tmaptools 3.2 (2025-01-13)
- examples updated with tmap4
- deprecated some functions
tmaptools 3.1-1 (2021-01-19)
- fixed minor bugs (see github)
tmaptools 3.1 (2020-07-01)
- bb takes asp.limit argument which controls the maximum aspect ratio
- improved geocode_OSM when no results are found; also added argument keep.unfound
- simplify_shape now works on sfc objects and sf objects with only a geometry column
tmaptools 3.0 (2020-03-30)
- stars support
- removed hardcoded proj4 shortcuts
- geocode_OSM also returns a bounding box if as.sf=TRUE
tmaptools 2.0-2 (2019-07-18)
- sp-based functions marked as deprecated
- fixed bug in rev_geocode_OSM
- fixed bug in poly_to_raster
tmaptools 2.0-1 (2018-08-07)
- fixed bug in poly_to_raster
- fixed smooth_map bugs related to sp/sf conversions
- fixed bug in rev_geocode_OSM
tmaptools 2.0 (2018-07-14)
- tmaptools migrated from sp to sf, all functions support sf, but some still rely on sp
- bb now returns a vector instead of a matrix, similar to sf::st_bbox
- palette_explorer expanded with viridis palettes
- read_osm doens't support vector OSM data anymore, since the osmdata package is a better alternative
tmaptools 1.2-2 (2017-11-24)
tmaptools 1.2-1 (2017-05-11)
- added threshold argument to smooth_map
- fixed bug in approx_areas (all warnings now ignored when show.warnings=FALSE)
- fixed bug in simplify_shape (ms_simplify is not case sensitive)
tmaptools 1.2 (2017-01-29)
tmaptools 1.0 (2017-01-03)
- first CRAN release after package split of tmap
- non-plotting functions of tmap 1.6-1 are contained in tmaptools
- added aggregate_map
- added simplify_shape
- added approx_distances, improved approx_areas, added projection_units
- added get_brewer_pal, to get and modify brewer palettes
- added bb_sp, to convert a bounding box to a SpatialPolygons object
- sf (simple features) objects supported